Badger Meter

Ultrasonic Flowmeter

PT. Swahusada adalah distributor dari Badger Meter. Badger Meter mempunyai banyak produk flowmeter untuk gas dan air. Badger Meter menyediakan berbagai macam flowmeter mulai dari electromagnetic flow meter, ultrasonic flowmeter, impeller, nutaring disc, turbine flowmeter, variable flowmeter dengan berbagai macam material untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri anda. Badger Meter flowmeter juga dilengkapi dengan sertifikasi dari pihak ketiga dan special approvals yang dipastikan aman digunakan bagi industri apa-pun, termasuk industri food and beverage. 

E Series Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Badger Meter Ultrasonic Flowmeter.3

9 digit LCD display

Function: Measure flow rate, consumption, pressure, temperature,volume,  alarm

Enclosure: IP 68

Battery life: 20 years

Weather proof, UV resistant

Accuracy : +-1.5%

Output 4-20 mA


E Series for Residential Application 

Pipe Size : 5/8”-2”

Material: Polymer, Bronze, SS


Produk unggulan dari Badger Meter adalah ultrasonic clamp on flow meter yang sering dipakai untuk keperluan HVAC. 

Kelebihan dari Ultrasonic Clamp On Flow Meter

1.      Mudah dipasang

2.      Zero down time

3.      Tidak usah memotong pipa

4.      Harga terjangkau karena bisa digunakan untuk ukuran diameter besar

Transit Time Products

TFX-5000 – Flow Meter

A flow meter for water delivery, sewage, cooling water, water-glycol mixtures, alcohols and chemicals.

TFX-5000 – Energy BTU Meter

A heating/cooling energy flow meter used in conjunction with dual clamp-on RTDs for temperature measurement—ideal for hydronic process and HVAC applications


Service     : Clean Water

Sizes  : ½    -10 inch

Accuracy    : ±1% of reading

Power supply: 9-28 VDC @5W maximum

In/Outputs  : Digital Input/Output  : 5….30 V DC , Analog Output: 0-20mA and 4-20mA

Interface   : Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TP

Enclosure   : IP 66

TFX 5000

Enhancement : BTU Meter options available

Sizes: ½” (15 mm) and 48” (1200 mm)

Accuracy:±0.5% of reading accuracy (best in class)

Power supply:24V DC/AC or 120/240 VAC

Measurement Units:Units - Field Selectable – Velocity, Volumetric, Flow Rate,

Energy Total, Heating/Cooling Rate & Temperature

Interface:Modbus® RTU or BACnet® MS/TP over EIA-485 Modbus TCP/IP; BACnet/IP; EtherNet/IP, USB interface to PC

Special Features: 

1. Bidirectional Measuring

2. Security - Four levels: Read-only, Operator, Service and Admin; 6-digit passcode number; selectable auto logout

3. Data Logging: 8 records with removable micro SD card,Alarms: Records 150 previous alarms, warnings or errors

Special approvals:Security - Four levels: Read-only, Operator, Service and Admin; 6-digit passcode number; selectable auto logout

Enclosure NEMA 4 (IP-67); aluminum enclosure

DXN Series

1. Portable transit time and doppler technology

2. Measure: Flow, BTU, pipe thickness

3. Pipe Size: ½”-120”

4. IP 64

5. Bidirectional for transit time, Unidirectional for doppler

6. Accuracy transit time +-1% , Doppler +-2%

7. Protocol: Modbus TCP/IP, with data logging and USB output

DFX Series

1.      Fix doppler technology

2.      Measure: Flow, BTU, temperarure, time/date

3.      Diameter: 1/4”-120” Fluid Velocity: 0.045m/s - 9m/s

4.      Enclosure: IP 67

5.      Unidrectional

6.      Accuracy: +-2%

7.      Output: 4-20mA or pulse

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